The SATOR Aerospace Company was founded in 2014 by the union of multiple skills and professional experiences coming from the Aerospace and Automotive sector. The professionalism, the special equipment, computer software and the high degree of innovation present in the solutions proposed by engineers and CAD designers make SATOR an engineering company unique in the Italian aerospace sector. Today SATOR with its know-how is placed on the aerospace market to assist its clients in the activities of product designing, processes, manufacturing and assembling of aerostructures made up of composite materials and light alloys. Full integration to customer’s processes, designing and industrialization as well as the active participation in research of national and international projects makes SATOR a reliable partner in today’s aerospace sector.
The SATOR engineering team consists of Stress Analysts (5 years graduate), 3D CAD designers (3 years graduate), Manufacturing Process Engineers, Quality Engineers and Project Manager Professional (PMP®). A long experience in the Concurrent Engineering and Continuous Improvement allows Team SATOR to properly manage production flows, preventing errors, reducing risks and costs.
SATOR internal processes are shaped around the International Quality Management System requirements for the Aerospace industry. UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certification was obtained in order to be focused on customer satisfaction.
SATOR Company is opened to international Joint Venture, more than Italian, to develop also Mechanical and Aerospace Projects. We are ready to start Partnership for Collaborations on Research Projects to enhance our know-how offering our capabilities. We are looking for opportunities for collaborations on new projects on which SATOR is also available to invest for future manufacturing technologies.
With the future goal to achieve AS EN 9100 certification, our company is willing to consider starting a production line of Aeronautical Products following the build to print package approach or to develop an entirely Vertical Project.
Next future: SATOR is searching Partnership and Cooperation
Seeing to the future scenarios SATOR intends to highlight the potential on the development of the following project/product segments, whereby we are looking for partners/investors:
- CFRP Health monitoring
- Out of Autoclave technology (ATL, AFP, RTM)
- Green Composite materials
- Stitching
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Our Office
C.da Motta del Lupo
Zona A.S.I. San Severo (FG)
P. Iva 03960100711